Thursday, August 6, 2009

Praying for so many young children in this world that are suffering. They say when you think you have it bad - take a long look at others and maybe your story doesn't seem quite so bad. I have quite a few children that I pray for on caringbridge and now blogger. There are some really strong christian people out their. Their faith cannot be shaken. That is where I get my strength from. God has put it out there for us to embrace and lift each other up. That is what we are supposed to do. Yes, I know that our son has a terrible disease that is progressing that I or any medical person can do anything about BUT God is not allowing him to suffer, God is not putting him through terrible experimental drugs that may or may not help him. That is what I am grateful for. I think that would just make the inevitable worse. He is going to be as normal of an 8 year old as he can for as long as he can. He will be starting 2nd grade. He can swim this weekend. He can still walk, talk, play, and fight with his brother and sister. I would not change any of it. I am grateful to God for giving me this time with my child. He is a gift. God has given us this precious gift....
pray for those children out there that don't have parents that love them, abuse them, mistreat them.. pray for those children that sit in the hospital alone and scared. It is hard for me to imagine or see but it does happen. Pray for someone you don't even know right now and lift them up and give them hope.......
F.R.O.G. = Fully Rely On God

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