Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Life is so strange...the different paths it takes.  It is amazing to me how people come into your life.  The people you think would be a support, should be a support aren't.   Strangers  that lift you up and love you unconditionally that you have never met.  We all have had hurt and heartache in life....everyone does.  Some worse than others.  I think you get to a point in life where people can't hurt you anymore.  Things are just things....they can be replaced - people can't.  Memories, good and bad will ALWAYS be there.  People that TRULY support you are the ones I want to be surrounded by NOT the superficial people.  

I have my Faith,  I have my husband,  I have my kids, I have great friends, I have freedom, I have a job, I have a house, a car, food on my table.  I have the cross that promises that I will see my Riley again. 

Thank you to all of those that have supported us, love us, and pray for us.  We will always be thankful~~

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